We started Central Tickets in 2017 having seen an opportunity to build a theatre-going community who would react quickly to offers in return for low-priced tickets and a diverse range of shows.
From experience, we know the challenges of distributing discounted tickets, but we also recognise the importance of having an audience who respond to offers, spend well at venues and continue to buy regular priced theatre tickets.
We offer 100+ seat-filling shows each week and we also connect our members with opportunities to purchase regular tickets via third-parties where they can secure great discounts in various campaigns throughout the year.
Over the last 6 years we have grown an engaged community of members who have really embraced the idea that they are providing a valuable service by filling empty seats in return for the discounted tickets. In 2020 they rallied to raise £47K of donations to help venues and performers impacted by theatre closures.
Our work was recognised by the FSB who named us ‘Start Up of the Year’ in 2018 for the London area. More recently, we’ve been featured in the Guardian, Money Saving Expert and The Times.
Now that we are established, our vision has expanded and social responsibility is a key aspect of how we work. Current projects include looking at how we can better identify and connect underserved groups with the arts and we are exploring B-Corp certification.
In addition to raising funds for NHS Charities Together and investing in carbon avoidance projects for every theatre journey our members make via Ecologi, we’re also looking at ways we can support charitable organisations and groups within the communities we serve.